

Rank 1: Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ) 管理科学季刊 Rank 2: Academy of Management Review (AMR) 中国科学院管理评论 Rank 3: Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) 管理学会期刊 Rank 4: Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) 应用心理学杂志 Rank 5: Strategic Management Journal (SMJ) 战略管理杂志 Ran……

From 《CIO》: 8 jobs ripe for automation

From customer service to the warehouse, opportunities for automation abound. Where should savvy CIOs looking to boost productivity and cut costs turn first? We’ve got answers. Amid a frenzy of innovation in robotic process automation and artificial intelligence, CIOs are scouring their ente……

Mobile development and hybrid integration: Key triggers for enterprise digital transformation

By Will Kelly June 18, 2018 Mobile development is growing as a central element of digital transformation. As such, it’s more important than ever to look to mobility solutions to respond to the factors driving enterprises to move to the cloud and integrate their legacy applications into a mo……