微服务体系结构将应用程序设计为松散耦合服务的集合。 在微服务体系结构中,服务是细粒度的,协议是轻型的。 微服务提供一些优势,例如明确分离关注点和分离依赖项。
与传统整体式应用程序相比,微服务在开发周期中带来了复杂性。 传统上,开发发生在应用程序堆栈的本地或虚拟副本中,该副本在本地以隔离方式配置和运行计……
Analyst: Sting Gao
Cloud-based data warehouses are providing elastic, robust and agile architecture for enterprise data empowerment, but migrating data warehouses to the cloud going to be an undertaking. Enterprises should follow best practices and adopt strategic planning to successfully implemen……
A detailed public cloud services comparison & mapping of Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, Oracle Cloud and Alibaba Cloud.
What are the challenges of migrating to the cloud successfully?
The challenges of migrating to the cloud successfully vary according to the nature of each business and its existing IT infrastructure. Typically the challenges fall into three areas—running applications on-premises vs in the cloud, ……
尝试在AWS, Azure,AliCloud及Google Cloud四大云平台上部署Web服务:
AWS: 采用Windows VM+IIS+ELB+S3 Storage的方式
Azure: 采用Azure Web Service+Static Page
AliCloud: 采用PHP+MySQL+Self WordPress Deploy
Google Cloud: Web Service+WordPress extension
Choosing the right cloud platform provider can be a daunting task. Take the big three, AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform; each offer a huge number of products and services, but understanding how they enable your specific needs is not easy. Since most organisations plan to migrate existing……
AWS Solution for Moving a LAMP Stack Web Server to Cloud
Disclaimer: This article is only intended as an architecture solution for migrate a LAMP Stack Website to cloud for a small start-up company, and ready to response with a significant user access growth in the near future.
The target audience……
云服务”现在已经快成了一个家喻户晓的词了。如果你不知道PaaS, IaaS 和SaaS的区别,那么也没啥,因为很多人确实不知道。