分类目录:Big Data and AI

以下是分类 Big Data and AI 下的所有文章

What is Data Mart?

A data mart is focused on a single functional area of an organization and contains a subset of data stored in a Data Warehouse. A data mart is a condensed version of Data Warehouse and is designed for use by a specific department, unit or set of users in an organization. E.g., Marketing, Sales, HR……


摘要:当前研发工作中经常出现因数据库表、数据库表字段格式不规则而影响开发进度的问题,在后续开发使用原来数据库表时,也会因为数据库表的可读性不够高,表字段规则不统一,造成数据查询,数据使用效率低的问题,所以有必要整理出一套合适的数据库表字段命名规范来解决优化这些问题。 本文是一篇包含了数据库命名、数……

Codd’s Twelve Rules

Codd’s 12 Rules (for a relational database product) are (still) frequently informally cited, but their original text turns out to be annoyingly difficult to find. They are reprinted here under the principles of fair use and/or fair dealing and have been extracted, verbatim, from ‘Is your DBMS real……

5 Rules of Data Normalization

There are several levels of normalization. A brief description is provided in below: Eliminate Repeating Groups – Make a separate table for each set of related attributes, and give each table a primary key. Eliminate Redundant Data – If an attribute depends on only part of a multi-val……

[转]50 个最实用的免费机器学习数据集

用于机器学习的开放数据集有哪些呢?Lionbridge 团队为高质量的数据集创建了一份最终备忘单。这些高质量的数据集或者涵盖范围广泛(比如 Kaggle),或者非常细化(比如自动驾驶汽车的数据)。 首先,在搜索数据集时要记住几点。Dataquest 是这么说的:      数据集不应脏乱,这样就无需花太多时间来清洗……

The 3 Most-Requested Dashboard Capabilities

The process of creating an application with embedded dashboards, reporting, and analytics capabilities is complex. It doesn’t just stop with taking information and making it available to end users in dashboards and reports. Application users are demanding advanced features that allow them to exami……