The Full-Stack Data Engineering skill-map:
使用 PolyBase 是将大量数据加载到高吞吐量 Azure SQL 数据仓库的有效方法。 使用 PolyBase 而非默认 BULKINSERT 机制可以实现吞吐量的巨大增加。
如果源数据位于 Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 中,且格式与 PolyBase 兼容,则可使用复制活动直接调用 PolyBase,让 Azure SQL 数据仓库从源拉取数据。
如果 PolyBase 最……
将数据复制到 Azure SQL 数据库时,可能需要不同的写入行为:
有关如何在 Azure 数据工厂中进行配置和最佳做法,请参阅相……
The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing rapidly, with algorithms evolving to match and even surpass human capabilities. One example of this is Deep Learning (DL), an advanced subfield of machine learning that can continue to evolve on its own, without the need for continued pr……
What is Hadoop?
Apache Hadoop is an open source software framework used to develop data processing applications which are executed in a distributed computing environment.
Applications built using HADOOP are run on large data sets distributed across clusters of commodity computers. Commodity comput……
What is Data Warehouse?
A Data Warehouse collects and manages data from varied sources to provide meaningful business insights.
It is a collection of data which is separate from the operational systems and supports the decision making of the company. In Data Warehouse data is stored from a histori……
Lately, we have been dealing with some new interesting conditions and requirements that involve data lake security. It’s an apparently simple concept. But break it into its two sub-concepts and you would quickly notice plenty of complexity and detail within these three words.
On the one hand……
ETL comes from Data Warehousing and stands for Extract-Transform-Load. ETL covers a process of how the data are loaded from the source system to the data warehouse. Currently, the ETL encompasses a cleaning step as a separate step. The sequence is then Extract-Clean-Transform-Load. Let us briefly ……
Many organizations are increasingly turning to ELT(Extract, Load, and Transform) tools to address the volume, variety, and velocity of big data sources, which often strain conventional Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) tools designed for internal, relational data warehousing.
ELT vs ETL: What’s t……