
以下是与标签 “Architecture” 相关联的文章


摘要:软件架构师就是这么一个让人向往,但又让人望洋兴叹的一个职位。 前言 就像建筑设计师总有成为总设计师的梦想,航天工作者总有成为总工程师的壮志,相信每一个软件工程师都有过成为软件架构师的想法。 引用维基百科里的定义,软件架构师的职责就是在软件系统研发中,负责依据需求来确定主要的技术选择、设计系统的……

Microservices vs. SOA

If you have worked with SOA before, you might wonder what is the difference between SOA and Microservices. Here I have explained both architectures and compared them in details. These days, there are a lot of discussions about Microservices at the workplace or in tech talks. And if you have worked……